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Snapshot at the small fruit shop Schnitzer in Corso Libertà - Freiheitsstrasse in Merano. As I went back to my office from coffee break, I bought some strawberries of the Val Martello - Martelltal: yum!!
Se avessi mille anime,
te le regalerei tutte.
Ma ho solo un'unica anima,
e questa te la regalo mille volte.
Questa la frase con cui si presentano le Settimane Musicali Meranesi quest'anno...
If I had a thousand souls,
I would give them all to you.
But I have just one soul,
and I'll give it to you thousand times.
This is the phrase with which the Merano Music Weeks are presented this year...
I adore beautiful pics and there are people able to surprise me every time they upload something new. In this case it's Vincenzo Fileccia with the gorgeous "Haflinger-pics" he made as he came to Merano in July. He spent two days between Merano2000 and Hafling/Avelengo and this is the result: Vincenzo's Haflinger-gallery on Flickr
Enjoy the view!
Today I looked up to the sky - again - and took a picture :) So I found out about my tendency to keep often an eye on Merano's sky and make a picture of it for whom cannot see it life to share thruogh this blog :)
So that's why I'll add the tag "skywatching" to this and other posts :)
Here I am again, back from holiday :)
The weather is better now, even if it's a bit windy, the temperature is delicious :)
Hanging briefly around for a little shopping I saw a little arts market on Piazza della Rena. Really nice with many interesting and funny works of art, pieces of jewellry, dwarfs...
And now let's go, the Long Tuesday starts at 8 with music, shopping and other "artistical matters" ;)