martedì 24 agosto 2010

Colourful fruits

Snapshot at the small fruit shop Schnitzer in Corso Libertà - Freiheitsstrasse in Merano. As I went back to my office from coffee break, I bought some strawberries of the Val Martello - Martelltal: yum!!

giovedì 19 agosto 2010

Some people...

...enjoying the Zucchero Tribute Band O.I.& B. at the Piazza Terme :)
Well done, Merano ;)

martedì 17 agosto 2010

If I had a thousand souls

Se avessi mille anime,
te le regalerei tutte.
Ma ho solo un'unica anima,
e questa te la regalo mille volte.

Questa la frase con cui si presentano le Settimane Musicali Meranesi quest'anno...

If I had a thousand souls,
I would give them all to you.
But I have just one soul,
and I'll give it to you thousand times.

This is the phrase with which the Merano Music Weeks are presented this year...

mercoledì 11 agosto 2010

Gorgeous pics of the Haflinger hourses

I adore beautiful pics and there are people able to surprise me every time they upload something new. In this case it's Vincenzo Fileccia with the gorgeous "Haflinger-pics" he made as he came to Merano in July. He spent two days between Merano2000 and Hafling/Avelengo and this is the result: Vincenzo's Haflinger-gallery on Flickr
Enjoy the view!

mercoledì 4 agosto 2010

My personal skywatching in Merano

Today I looked up to the sky - again - and took a picture :) So I found out about my tendency to keep often an eye on Merano's sky and make a picture of it for whom cannot see it life to share thruogh this blog :)
So that's why I'll add the tag "skywatching" to this and other posts :)

martedì 3 agosto 2010

Loooong Tuuuuuuuuuesday - 1000 and 1 arts :)

Here I am again, back from holiday :)
The weather is better now, even if it's a bit windy, the temperature is delicious :)

Hanging briefly around for a little shopping I saw a little arts market on Piazza della Rena. Really nice with many interesting and funny works of art, pieces of jewellry, dwarfs...

And now let's go, the Long Tuesday starts at 8 with music, shopping and other "artistical matters" ;)