We just had a spectacular week-end!
While some pharmacists were still strolling around with their black bags and their heads full of new information and knowledge, Asfaltart had its start with a funny parade in the heart of the city. Jugglers, musicians, jokers and artists of any kind walked up to Piazza della Rena to celebrate the beginning of one of the funniest and beloved events in Merano. The performances could be admired by the folks until midnight.
The day after - Saturday - the "Kurpromenade" was awaiting another event, many persons where looking forward to: the "Meraner Frauenlauf". A course for ladies only, a fair contest opened to all passionates who want to get the heebie-jeebies for the emotion to run among other 500 enthusiasts. "Pretty woman" and many lovely bio-specialties received the heroines after having reached the finish line. There was a lovely corporate feeling in the air...

On Sunday the street artists diligently amused their public till evening and another edition was finished again :)
And now, after a sunny, windy day I'm happy to recollect these impressions and feel lucky I could be here this week-end!
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