giovedì 2 settembre 2010

Change of address

Hello everybody!
This is the last post of terra-mairana :)
This blog is meant to grow and Merano will receive an own category under "my pieces of earth" in my new blog-project.
The new address for interesting news and snapshots about Merano and many other places is, I hope you'll follow me in my next journeys :)

Se you soon :)

martedì 24 agosto 2010

Colourful fruits

Snapshot at the small fruit shop Schnitzer in Corso Libertà - Freiheitsstrasse in Merano. As I went back to my office from coffee break, I bought some strawberries of the Val Martello - Martelltal: yum!!

giovedì 19 agosto 2010

Some people...

...enjoying the Zucchero Tribute Band O.I.& B. at the Piazza Terme :)
Well done, Merano ;)

martedì 17 agosto 2010

If I had a thousand souls

Se avessi mille anime,
te le regalerei tutte.
Ma ho solo un'unica anima,
e questa te la regalo mille volte.

Questa la frase con cui si presentano le Settimane Musicali Meranesi quest'anno...

If I had a thousand souls,
I would give them all to you.
But I have just one soul,
and I'll give it to you thousand times.

This is the phrase with which the Merano Music Weeks are presented this year...

mercoledì 11 agosto 2010

Gorgeous pics of the Haflinger hourses

I adore beautiful pics and there are people able to surprise me every time they upload something new. In this case it's Vincenzo Fileccia with the gorgeous "Haflinger-pics" he made as he came to Merano in July. He spent two days between Merano2000 and Hafling/Avelengo and this is the result: Vincenzo's Haflinger-gallery on Flickr
Enjoy the view!

mercoledì 4 agosto 2010

My personal skywatching in Merano

Today I looked up to the sky - again - and took a picture :) So I found out about my tendency to keep often an eye on Merano's sky and make a picture of it for whom cannot see it life to share thruogh this blog :)
So that's why I'll add the tag "skywatching" to this and other posts :)

martedì 3 agosto 2010

Loooong Tuuuuuuuuuesday - 1000 and 1 arts :)

Here I am again, back from holiday :)
The weather is better now, even if it's a bit windy, the temperature is delicious :)

Hanging briefly around for a little shopping I saw a little arts market on Piazza della Rena. Really nice with many interesting and funny works of art, pieces of jewellry, dwarfs...

And now let's go, the Long Tuesday starts at 8 with music, shopping and other "artistical matters" ;)

mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

Loooong Tuuuuuuuuuesday - Flower Power!

Yesterday we had the first Long Tuesday in Merano! A nice evening with lots of music, shopping and many people enjoying fresh air :)
One more video

domenica 11 luglio 2010



Finally some freshness again ;)

venerdì 9 luglio 2010

The old ladies on the Promenade

This was the Kurpromenade in Merano yesterday: about 150 oldtimers drove through Merano and made a stop on the Promenade. A nice passion which gives anybody the chance to admire the old ladies life :).

giovedì 1 luglio 2010

Jazzy June & July in Merano

JJJ These days Merano resounds with saxes, basses & more. It's time for the Suedtirol Jazz Festival: travelling music for the main South Tyrolean cities. It's just cool to have coffee break and meet musicians just along the way back to the office :)

mercoledì 23 giugno 2010


...from my grandma's house...

martedì 22 giugno 2010

The 1st summer day in Merano

Here it is the 1st summer day in Merano!!
And this blog celebrates its first birthday!!!

lunedì 14 giugno 2010

Sacred Heart

Tonight we could also enjoy the Sacred Heart celebration. It's just magic...

;) Can you see them? ;)

More about it in Italian
More about it in German

Pic by P. Ohnewein

domenica 13 giugno 2010

On air...

Asfaltart is taking place again in Merano these days :)
The streets are lined by hundreds of people enthusiastically waiting for the artist's performances.
One last night left to enjoy it, I'm not going to miss it :)

It's raining cats and dogs now, but I'm sure it'll get better for tonight, like yesterday :)

giovedì 22 aprile 2010

Strange sky

There was a strange sky in Merano yesterday... I like it :)

domenica 18 aprile 2010

Fantastic Saturday

After a nice walk up to Voeran, Saturday in the afternoon I finally went to the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle. How amazing flowers and colours just can be...
More pics :)

giovedì 15 aprile 2010

Jazz nights in Merano

I was there again :) I'm trying to enjoy them all, I love good jazz music! Next Wednesday another night with the Zato so sings quartet band at the Caffè Kunsthaus :)

lunedì 12 aprile 2010


Even the sky looked troubled in Merano today...

mercoledì 7 aprile 2010

The small "Stilfser Joch"

After a long, long time (I really don't want to say how long it is) I finally took my mountain bike again and went for a short trip. As I started I decided to follow the sun. I looked towards Vinschgau valley (Val Venosta) and went for the bicycle route which takes from Merano up to Tell. I knew they should have finished it and that it should be nice. Before the municipalities decided to build it, we used to bike on the street - it was horrible, the cars would pass only a few cm away from you with tremendous speed. Today I had this beautiful surprise. On my two regained wheels, I biked up on this so-called small "Stilfser Joch" - because of its hairpin bends - as a guy cycling the same way up told me today. On the way I met many other passionate bikers enjoying the nice temperature. It has been gorgeous! I'm totally happy I started doing this sport again!

lunedì 5 aprile 2010

Traditional Haflinger Horse Racing

Here you find a nice contribution of my friend Lorenzo Viti to this year's Haflinger Horse Racing. The tough blondies could enjoy Merano's sunshine again. :)

mercoledì 24 marzo 2010

It's spring!

Funny doggy enjoying spring on Piazza Terme :)
Catch it!

domenica 21 febbraio 2010

My curious furry model

Today I had the chance to walk with two friends of mine and another friend they are allowed to walk out on Sundays: Willy :)
The curious white doggy loves to walk on the Tappeinerweg, he has enjoyed the sun and has been a gorgeous model for me today :)

My springomether keeps growing, the only thing missing now is... the flowers!! :( Maybe I did something wrong...
-28 days to my beloved spring!

domenica 7 febbraio 2010

The springomether | another week passed :)

It's amazing how many things can happen in one single week... You can be totally happy, angry, relaxed, sad, enthusiastic, disappointed, hopefull and even grow a little bit :)

After a snowing Friday and a strange Saturday, the sun kissed Merano today, it was so lovely that you could even walk without your jacket! The best time for enjoying Merano peacefully! A friend of mine took her mum here from Verona to spend a well-being week-end at the Therme, with massages, health packages and nice food.
I bought them two Faschingskrapfen with apricot jam, an unrenouceable delicacy in February!
-42 days to my beloved spring!

lunedì 1 febbraio 2010

The springomether | a week after :)

Here it is, the actual state of my personal springomether :)
Maybe its bulbs are like people, they let their most energic side pop out of them with different rhythms...
-48 days to our most beautiful season :)

domenica 24 gennaio 2010

The springomether

Last year my aunt Doris gave me a small vase of beautiful narcissi. I cut them as they drooped and let the bulbs in the balcony.
Two weeks ago some green spots magically appeared from them :)
Now I'm following their growth and will keep track of it, it will be my personal springomether :)
This is its stage today!
Happy spring-countdown to everybody!

venerdì 15 gennaio 2010

My hibernation... abroad!

It's amazing how fast time passes...!
Shame on me, hibernating like that for over two months...!
Well, there are good reasons for not being online during the last time :) I had the awesome chance to enjoy some free time abroad, where I could recharge my batteries with new cultures, languages, colours, food, architecture... I love travelling!!!
1999 Abtei Muri Südtiroler Lagrein Riserva by Rachel Black
While I took my dreamy parentheses around Europe, Merano kept drinking wine, playing music and celebrating Christmas with many other enthusiasts :)
November was the time for the world's best wines in the Kurhaus with the WineFestival, a long red carpet welcomed the visitors on the Freiheitsstrasse and many precious wines were awaiting them in the inside.

As soon as the gastronomic tent of the MIWF was removed, diligent men started mounting the little wooden houses of the Christmas Market. This year the weather was gentle, it snew 3-4 times, the mountains are still covered by a white blanket :) What I can't stop watching during the Christmas Market, are the black sheep staying in a small cot on the Thermenplatz: mummy, daddy and their children, they are just soooo cute! People go mad for them!

In December I was particularly diligent and Christmas-minded :) I made a lot of Christmas biscuits! It's a nice South Tyrolean tradition I love! South Tyrolean women start baking biscuits various weeks before Christmas (the more they are kept in the box, the better they get) and give them as a gift to those people who deserve them ;)
I still have a small number of them, which I gelously conserve in my last, smallest box...

Thanks to the big effort of the Tourist Authority, the New Year was celebrated with music and fireworks and my city colourfully started its 2010!

Since last Friday the days have become sunnier and brighter, my narcissi are miraculously coming up from their dried little bulbs... Wow...
I'll talk to you soon again, my winter sleep has finished :)